The EyeQuant API handles errors in two ways:

  • HTTP status codes – Whenever an error directly relates to a HTTP request, we return an appropriate status. A code in the 400 to 499 range indicates an error than can be resolved by the client, whereas codes 500 to 599 indicate errors on the server-side.
  • Structured information in the JSON response body – Where possible, we also include a textual error code and a specific error message in the JSON response.

Example error:

HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized

  "error": {
    "code": "authentication_failed",
    "message": "We were unable to authenticate you. Please check your credentials."

A list of common errors – concrete errors may contain more information in the message field:

client_errorGeneric client error. Something is wrong with the request.
server_errorGeneric server error. There's been an error in our system. We have been alerted about this and are probably already looking into it.
resource_goneThe resource under the requested URL is no longer accessible. See Result expiry.
authentication_failedMissing or incorrect API credentials. Please check your API key.
over_capacityThe service is currently unavailable. See API Status for up-to-date status information.
invalid_input_configurationWe could not start an analysis based the provided input object. The error message should contain more detailed information.
could_not_grab_web_pageWe attempted to fetch the web page specified in the input, but were unable to capture it. This could be due to a number of issues, including: an error in the URL, the web page timing out, the resource is not publicly accessible or an error during rendering. To work around this issue, re-try the analysis or use an image input instead.
blank_input_imageThe input image is completely blank – a single, solid color. Unfortunately, we cannot make meaningful predictions on such images.
unreadable_input_imageWe were unable to read the input image, either because the format is not supported, or because the image is truncated or corrupted. See Image formats and limitations for supported formats.
invalid_input_image_dimensionsThe dimensions of the input image are either too small or too large. See Image formats and limitations for dimension limits.